Our Story

Scalable, solar hybrid solutions in Africa

How it all began

ARC Power's Founder, Karl Boyce has worked in East Africa for the past 15 years, and saw first-hand that one of the biggest factors limiting development was the lack of access to productive-use power in the communities.

Existing solar home systems performed well as an interim solution, but the DC power provided was small scale and when the sun went down, the power went off, hence the first phase of ARC Power's journey was to roll out large scale solar mini-grids, connecting up to 1,000 houses from one generation unit (ARC) to prove a sustainable model. Leveraging the knowledge and experience the Company has developed through becoming the largest mini-grid developer and operator in Rwanda, ARC Power sought to address the challenges faced by both national and private organisations to provide on-grid and off-grid energy generation and distribution infrastructure in a commercially viable way.

Our aim

Ending power inequality

Whilst designing the offering, we reviewed other solar power schemes. We saw families who were unable to afford the up-front set-up and connection fees, going without electricity.

Later, those same families were paying their connected neighbours, so their children could do homework under a strong light. This observation defined our fully inclusive model. There are no upfront costs with ARC Power at all. Instead, we install light fittings and power sockets in each connected home. For free. We aim to make getting connected as simple as possible for everybody.

Our purpose

Empowering communities

  • Reliable power unlocks the potential for local business growth and productivity, improved education and community prosperity, through access to the internet, appliances and light after dark.
  • Expert skills are transferred to locally educated teams with a view to providing long term support for the project, key individuals and the communities.
  • Our rollout target of 400,000 connections across four countries by 2027 will connect circa 2 million people to affordable, reliable and clean power.

Our Journey...


Started to develop the concept and vision for ARC Power with our team of engineers.


Created the first prototype in Johannesburg.


Rolled out the first ARC Power Installation in November connecting 200 homes to power.


5,000 people connected across 10 villages.


First Solar Business Park opened.


10,000 people connected across 24 villages. ARC Power expands into Malawi.


SPP signed with Govt. of Rwanda. Winner of Queen's Award. ARC Power expands into Mozambique.

Empowering communities through affordable, reliable and clean power.

Since 2016, we have grown steadily to our current core team of 60 including more than 50 Rwandan and Mozambican staff. By 2024 we will employ more than 500 people, creating and safeguarding jobs in the communities we serve.

Working Together

Meet the Team

International Team

Karl Boyce
Chief Executive Officer
Carl Westman
Chief Financial Officer
Oliver Blakeman
Chief Technical Officer
Charlie Wilkinson
Chief Operating Officer
Aliyyah Alabi
International Finance & Admin Officer
Wangui Mukono
International Compliance Manager
Olivier Mutangana
International Systems Lead
George Smith-Lomas
International Engineering Lead

Rwanda Team

Pamela Bigirimana
Commercial Manager
Solange Mutezintare
Operations Manager
Bienvenu Tuyisenge
Finance Lead
Jean Remy Rutayisire
Survey Lead
Emmanuel Gatoya
Distribution Lead
Ritha Muhorakeye
Assets and Procurement Lead
Hope Izabayo
Systems Lead

Mozambique Team

Marta Nhantumbso
Consumer Eletrics Officer
Joaquim Magalhaes
Operations Manager
Jennifer Novela
Systems Assistant
Jessica Munguambe
Assets and Procurement Assistant
Mercia Chaca
Finance and Administrative Assistant
Our local team